Elder Care – Financial Care For Safe, Secure, Retirement

Finally... Worry Free Financial Management for Your Aging Parent or Family Member

The financial aspects associated with the care of an aging parent or other member of your family are often much more than most people are able to handle by themselves.

Sometimes, day-to-day tasks such as balancing the checkbook, paying bills, or even responding to emergencies such as home repairs or unexpected medical expenses can become more work than what your loved one can handle alone.

Thankfully, you can rest assured with the knowledge that our team of elder care experts is always here to assist you and your loved ones with taking care of these important issues.

It is important for you to know that when you use our services, we become a member of YOUR team.

We help you to look out for your loved one’s best interests in the best possible way, plus we report to you and keep you informed during every step of the process.

The elder financial care services we offer span the entire wide gamut of financial needs. Everything from the day-to-day management of the checkbook and basic, general services for paying bills to the preparation of an inventory of investments and personal assets can be taken care of expertly by our highly-trained staff.

Feel free to inquire with us about the services we offer in these categories:

  • Personal bookkeeping; this includes basic household bill payment, the management of records and budgeting, as well as the management of income receipts, disbursements and deposits.
  • Offering help, advice and other types of assistance when confronting unexpected emergencies and unforeseen household issues of a financial nature.
  • The coordination of day-to-day financial transactions like medical expenses, repair services, and maintenance expenses.
  • The identification of goals and needs associated with retirement, as well as the management of retirement account disbursements.
  • Helping to monitor investment portfolios, and working alongside the investment advisors in order to maintain assets.
  • The organization and review of personal, legal and financial paperwork and documents in order to assess issues which must be addressed.
  • The analysis of income and expenses in order to help determine financial needs and goals in the long-term.
  • Providing information and answers to questions regarding pensions, social security, insurance benefits, Medicare, and any other concerns in relation to the well-being of your elder loved one.
  • The preparation of taxes including filing, dealing with gifts and management of estate taxes and services for planning.
  • Referrals and introductions to local assistance services, agencies and organizations.

It does not matter if your loved one only needs a bit of assistance in order to remain independent, or they require substantial help in order to manage their finances as they get older.

We provide the important services needed to cover the entire spectrum of the various elder needs.

Give us a call today for a no-charge consultation on how we can protect and grow your finances or those of the ones you love.

Small Business Services

  • Maximize Tax Savings
  • Eliminate Uncertainty
  • Maximize Deductions
  • Avoid IRS Audit Red Flags
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Satisfied Clients Speak Out

  • June 25, 2012 Tax Savings Margert Kalinuda "“Frank found a crucial deduction overlooked by my former CPA and got me a refund of over $100K in over paid taxes, thank you Frank”"

Fix IRS Problems

  • Audit Representation
  • Unfiled Taxes
  • Past Due Tax Preparation
  • Expert IRS Negotiation
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Recent News

  • June 06, 2012 Washington, D.C. Fresh Start Program "IRS has reduced the age old firm guidelines to reasonable standards so that thousands of taxpayers/clients may now qualify to get their cases settled for cheap and their tax liens released."
Call Us Now 1-954-452-8813