Non-Filed Returns – Done For You

The IRS Would Love to Take Care of Your Unfiled Tax Returns For You… Does This Sound Like a Good Plan?

Charges related to tax interest and penalties can accumulate with incredible quickness.

If you did not file a tax return because you were unable to pay the amount that was owed, or you completed your filing but did not elect to pay, you have gotten yourself into a predicament which may seem difficult to escape.

What is more, the longer you let this situation go on, the more likely it is that you are going to be required to pay for it. When this happens, you will not only pay, but you will pay significantly.

Failing to file your tax returns is actually a criminal offense.

If you are wondering about the punishments for not filing your tax return, it can be as severe as a single year of time in jail for each year your taxes remain not filed.

It is a huge mistake to think that you might be able to get away with this.

The computer systems at the Internal Revenue Service continue to become more sophisticated and complex, and this means that the chances of you and your taxes getting flagged and revealed increase at an exponential rate.

Here is how you can effectively handle the situation:

The first thing you should do is to allow us to help you comply with all pertinent laws. By becoming proactive and making sure your returns are filed, you are still able to take advantage of allowances and deductions which are due to you.

Yes, you will still owe money in taxes, as well as penalties and interest, but if you wait to act until the IRS decides to attend to the problem for you, they will treat your case in the best interests of the government with little or no thought or interest paid to your monetary bottom line.

By filing all of your delinquent returns in a voluntary fashion, you will save yourself from experiencing additional problems in the future.

We can assist you in doing that with our non-filed returns – unfiled tax return service.

You can always assure yourself that good things happen when you do the right thing, and taking care of your taxes sooner than later is one of the best things you can do for yourself and your financial future.

Once you get your returns into current standing, we can examine your total amount owed and assist you in creating an action plan which can remedy your unpleasant situation.

If you are serious about solving your tax problems, acting quickly will help you, so call us immediately to find out more about how we can help you.

Small Business Services

  • Maximize Tax Savings
  • Eliminate Uncertainty
  • Maximize Deductions
  • Avoid IRS Audit Red Flags
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Satisfied Clients Speak Out

  • June 25, 2012 Tax Savings Margert Kalinuda "“Frank found a crucial deduction overlooked by my former CPA and got me a refund of over $100K in over paid taxes, thank you Frank”"

Fix IRS Problems

  • Audit Representation
  • Unfiled Taxes
  • Past Due Tax Preparation
  • Expert IRS Negotiation
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Recent News

  • June 06, 2012 Washington, D.C. Fresh Start Program "IRS has reduced the age old firm guidelines to reasonable standards so that thousands of taxpayers/clients may now qualify to get their cases settled for cheap and their tax liens released."
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