Non-Filed Returns – Done For You
The IRS Would Love to Take Care of Your Unfiled Tax Returns For You… Does This Sound Like a Good Plan?Charges related to tax interest and penalties can accumulate with incredible quickness.
If you did not file a tax return because you were unable to pay the amount that was owed, or you completed your filing but did not elect to pay, you have gotten yourself into a predicament which may seem difficult to escape.
What is more, the longer you let this situation go on, the more likely it is that you are going to be required to pay for it. When this happens, you will not only pay, but you will pay significantly.
Failing to file your tax returns is actually a criminal offense.
If you are wondering about the punishments for not filing your tax return, it can be as severe as a single year of time in jail for each year your taxes remain not filed.
It is a huge mistake to think that you might be able to get away with this.
The computer systems at the Internal Revenue Service continue to become more sophisticated and complex, and this means that the chances of you and your taxes getting flagged and revealed increase at an exponential rate.
Here is how you can effectively handle the situation:
The first thing you should do is to allow us to help you comply with all pertinent laws. By becoming proactive and making sure your returns are filed, you are still able to take advantage of allowances and deductions which are due to you.
Yes, you will still owe money in taxes, as well as penalties and interest, but if you wait to act until the IRS decides to attend to the problem for you, they will treat your case in the best interests of the government with little or no thought or interest paid to your monetary bottom line.
By filing all of your delinquent returns in a voluntary fashion, you will save yourself from experiencing additional problems in the future.
We can assist you in doing that with our non-filed returns – unfiled tax return service.
You can always assure yourself that good things happen when you do the right thing, and taking care of your taxes sooner than later is one of the best things you can do for yourself and your financial future.
Once you get your returns into current standing, we can examine your total amount owed and assist you in creating an action plan which can remedy your unpleasant situation.
If you are serious about solving your tax problems, acting quickly will help you, so call us immediately to find out more about how we can help you.

“Take on” the IRS Without Lifting a Finger!
If you have ever been audited by the IRS, you know how time consuming and frustrating it can be to make yourself familiar with all the relevant tax laws.Even the time necessary to gather all the required supporting documents is onerous at best, even for the most organized tax payers.
Once you have spent your valuable time gathering all the documents you can then expect to waste even more valuable time in learning all the relevant tax codes that might apply to your particular situation.
None of this is fun, but there is no question that you will spend your time this way upon receiving an IRS audit letter.
This is true because you know that if you don’t take this course you will more than likely end up paying a substantial tax bill, including all of the fees and interest payments the IRS will levy for your tax deficiency.
You have no choice but to investigate every issue brought up by the auditor and attempt to bring your taxes into compliance with their requests.
All the while, this time and energy spent on your tax issues will be drawing your attention away from your personal life and your business affairs, with the end result being that both suffer needlessly.
The truth is, you are ill prepared to take on the IRS tax auditor. Their full time job is to scrutinize every line of a tax return and find any instance where they can extract more tax money from you.
They are familiar with all the small loopholes and tax requirements and will locate obscure ways to force you into providing additional documents and will question each line of your tax return they do not feel is in complete compliance with the over 70,000 pages of the US tax code.
In short, the IRS tax auditor is an expert in taxation, while you most certainly are not.
Does it make sense for you to go up against someone who has thousands of hours experience working in the tax field? Would you hire a recent marketing graduate to compete against your strongest competitors?
Naturally it doesn’t make sense to do either of these things.
If you are going up against an expert, you need an expert of your own if you expect to compete on a level playing field. This is where IRS representation services come into play.
Rather than put yourself into this awkward position, why not simply use our tax preparation service from the beginning. Our clients, when audited, typically have nothing more to do than to forward us their IRS Notification of Audit letter and we handle the rest.
IRS audits are rare amongst our clients, but when they do happen we stand behind our expert tax preparation service and we take on the IRS on your behalf through our professional IRS representation services.
All of the necessary paperwork, the scrutiny, the questions and most importantly the intimidation is deflected from you and handled by our tax experts.
Which leaves you free to continue with your life and your business without the stress and pressure that an IRS audit can cause.
You can get started by simply filling out and submitting the form at the bottom of this page. Our tax experts will contact you and get you started with a free tax consultation.
Don’t let an IRS Audit Letter drain your valuable time and energy, instead let us do what we do best…take on the IRS for you!